You are what you Eat
I eat almost everything but vegetables and fruits.
That's why you can call me fatty, all fat and not healthy (hey, it rhimes! :D)
You are what you Read
I read comics and novels
That's why I'm so immature, and dreaming all the time..
But, dearies, the most important is:
you are what you think you are
I like to eat, but I'm still looking good..
I love to read comics and novels, but I'm still learning from what I read.
my life may be so ordinary as you can see
but I love it though because I'm always happy
You are what you think you are
I'd say I'm happy person
I'd say I have so many friends,
I'd say my life will be succeded
and,those are going to be happened!
God bless you
Monday, May 24, 2010
Friday, May 21, 2010
What you cannot buy..
You can have all the money in the world, but there are things that you cannot buy...
Please be careful with these things...
1. Happiness
2. Heart
3. Trust
Please be careful with these things...
Thursday, May 20, 2010
My Biggest Lesson to Learn For The Day
What can be more important than that?
In every relationship, we have to communicate with each other
by words, not by behavior.
by talking, not by telephaty-ing.
God give us the ability to communicate. Use it.
What can be more important than that?
In every relationship, we have to communicate with each other
by words, not by behavior.
by talking, not by telephaty-ing.
God give us the ability to communicate. Use it.
My Favourite Song of all time
Honestly, what will become of me?
I don't like reality
It's way too clear to me
But really life is dandy
We are what we don't see
We miss everything daydreaming
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end?
Travelling I alway stop at exits
Wondering if I'll stay
Young and restless
Living this way I stress less
I want to pull away when the dream dies
The pain sets in and I don't cry
I only feel gravity and I wonder why
Nelly Furtado. All Good Things come to an End.
Listening to this song makes me asking, what will the future brings me..
Is it going to be great?
Is it going to be happy ending?
Is it going to be as I always dream of?
But as in the song, Nelly said "All good things come to an end.."
Listening to this song, makes me keep asking about life...
But, after all, we as human, can do nothing but walking on our path of life, with faith, hope, and love.
Faith in God
Hope in God
Love in God and others, as the way He teach us how to love
So, in the end, we would say: "Thank God" instead of: "If only I ..."
Live your life beautifully. Without any regret!
and in the end, you'll say: "I love my life" :)
I don't like reality
It's way too clear to me
But really life is dandy
We are what we don't see
We miss everything daydreaming
Flames to dust
Lovers to friends
Why do all good things come to an end?
Travelling I alway stop at exits
Wondering if I'll stay
Young and restless
Living this way I stress less
I want to pull away when the dream dies
The pain sets in and I don't cry
I only feel gravity and I wonder why
Nelly Furtado. All Good Things come to an End.
Listening to this song makes me asking, what will the future brings me..
Is it going to be great?
Is it going to be happy ending?
Is it going to be as I always dream of?
But as in the song, Nelly said "All good things come to an end.."
Listening to this song, makes me keep asking about life...
But, after all, we as human, can do nothing but walking on our path of life, with faith, hope, and love.
Faith in God
Hope in God
Love in God and others, as the way He teach us how to love
So, in the end, we would say: "Thank God" instead of: "If only I ..."
Live your life beautifully. Without any regret!
and in the end, you'll say: "I love my life" :)
Wednesday, May 19, 2010
For Green Generation
We have known since couple years ago that our earth is in danger. The climate changes. The ice are melting. several islands are gone (or going to be dissapeared). yes we know all about that. but what have we done?

I was shocked with my cousin's facebook status said:
'Do not buy cellphones or gadget only for trend! Do you know where all the electrical waste go?'

not only about electrical waste, but where will all the waste go??
many of us, even me myself, like to follow the trend. trend for new gadgets. trend for fashion. yes, we are very updated indeed. don't forget the trend for green living.
But, my dearies, bringing your own shopping bag instead of using plastic bags from the store is not enough. there are more simple things we can do:
1. Always bring handkerchief anywhere you go. Use them instead of tissues. You'll save the trees

2. Always turn off the electricity if you're not using them. simple but easily forgotten

3. Always take a good care of your electronic gadget. you'll save the earth, and your money too..

4. Do some experiments DIY Project with your (own/mom's) old clothes. some trends are alway repeating

5. Always bring your tumbler with you or drink it from your own glass, instead of another plastic to waste.

Love mother earth.
She has been giving her entire life for all of us

Monday, May 17, 2010
Another Day to College
Yes, it's not my college-day, but I have schedule for the coming Group Project Paper..
I'll be sleeping late for two weeks. Hope everything is going to be OK, and hopefully, we can get good grades.. ^_^
Cross your fingers for me, will ya?

Aniway, I've been re-run watching That's 70 show this weekend. And I am so in love with Donna and Eric on-screen couple. It's hard for me to continue watching since I knew they will be splitting in the middle of the series... (not to mention Jackie will be dating Fez and Hyde, hmm..)
Silly me, I know this was only 'a show' but it hurts me a lot when my favourite couple is fighting and in the end, breaking up. The exact same feeling when Rachel broke up with Ross..!
Sometimes, we imagine ourself as the actor, and having the same life stories.. So, it hurts me too..
Again, you can say, silly me... :p
Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants 2

It was Sunday nite. No one at home except me and my li'l brother.
So, I chose to watch DVDs. My last choice were Sisterhood of the Travelling Pants 2. I watched the first movie several years ago, and I really enjoy beaches scenery in that movie.. :)
This movie is getting more mature. Every role has their own problems, with tears, and laugh. And I found many lessons from this movie.
How to deal with Problems
I found myself become sooooo selfish if I have any problems. I become ignorant, stubborn, sensitive, insensitive (to others' feelings), and wanted everybody to understand my feelings without telling them. Tibby (Tamblyn) and Carmen (Ferrera) have the long fight in the movie because both are having problems and wanted to be understood. It's just so sad to see things become a mess only because of problems that are not as important as our bestfriends.. So, like the old saying, if you have any problem, just say: "Hey problem, I have big GOD" Yes indeed, you (and me) have Good GOD! ;)
How to maintain Friendship
Along my journey, I found many friends, who very much teach me about life. Several of them become my BFF, but not few of them just left their numbers in my contact list. Good friends are really hard to find, but I didn't do anything to keep them right by my side.. When we become older, we met new friends, and do we always maintain our friends? I hope I can spend more time with all of my friends, share the joy, share laugh and tears...
And, they still have many more lessons after all!! Enjoy this movie so much.
I love Amber Tamblyn in this movie. She's so bold, yet casual.
I wonder what does it feel to play in a movie with your own dad?
Friday, May 14, 2010
Running Out of Time
Getting older means you are running out of time
Time with family
Time with loved ones
Time with friends
Time with colleague
Time with yourself
Time with GOD
Getting older means you are running out of time in the world
Have you gone check on your to-do-list?
I have, but I couldn't check on any of it..
Getting older means I am running out of time
I don't know what to do.
every second, every minute cut and shorten my time in the world
I need to do the max.
I need to do the actions.
I need to do my best.
And I will give the rest to GOD.
May HE guides me 'till the day He'll take me from this cruel world.
May 14, 2010
Time with family
Time with loved ones
Time with friends
Time with colleague
Time with yourself
Time with GOD
Getting older means you are running out of time in the world
Have you gone check on your to-do-list?
I have, but I couldn't check on any of it..
Getting older means I am running out of time
I don't know what to do.
every second, every minute cut and shorten my time in the world
I need to do the max.
I need to do the actions.
I need to do my best.
And I will give the rest to GOD.
May HE guides me 'till the day He'll take me from this cruel world.
May 14, 2010
Tuesday, May 11, 2010
Review Kuliah HRM - In Practice
In life, we will never stop learning..
And me, I continue my study at PPM Management, taking every step to learn new things about management.
Hari ini, kami belajar tentang HRM (Human Resource Management) bersama seorang Guest Lecture. Beliau adalah seorang yang sangat ahli di bidang HRM dan menginspirasi saya untuk (kembali) ingin belajar soal per-HRD-an..
Kuliah hari ini mengingatkan saya tentang budaya kita yang begitu mudah meremehkan peraturan. Hayoo ngaku aja deh, siapa di antara kita yang tidak pernah berkata: "peraturan itu dibuat untuk dilanggar.."? Saya yakin tidak ada yang acung tangan.. hehehehe *soalnya penulis juga sama aja..* hehehe
Sebagai seorang HRD, we live by the rules. That's why so many employees hate HR Department. Everything should happens only by the book, and we cannot tolerate any mistake.. Well not all of HRD Staffs were like that, but most of them do that.
Ternyata, ada sesuatu yang hilang di dalam bidang kerja HRD.
HRD memiliki segudang ilmu untuk mempelajari manusia, kelompok, dan organisasi. Untuk bisa meraih profit demi perusahaan dan mengatur sekelompok manusia, organisasi membutuhkan peraturan. Nah, masalahnya, tidak semua peraturan diatur secara jelas.. Ketidaktransparan antara pekerja dan pengerja memunculkan berbagai masalah, yang akhirnya berujung pada konflik kedua belah pihak. Padahal, hal seperti itu tidak terjadi..
Tips yang perlu dilakukan untuk menghindari hal ini adalah:
1. Pahami betul mengenai Peraturan Ketenagakerjaan yang sudah diatur oleh negara (menurut Guest Lecture saya, Peraturan tersebut sudah sangat lengkap mencakup berbagai aspek, dan cukup benar untuk diterapkan)
2. Pahami betul bisnis organisasi yang Saudara jalani, sehingga organisasi dapat menerapkan peraturan yang seharusnya diterapkan sesuai kebutuhan organisasi
3. Ajarkan dan didik karyawan untuk bersama-sama memahami peraturan tersebut, agar semua hak dan kewajiban dapat didapatkan secara teratur..
Ternyata, untuk mengajukan unjuk rasa kepada perusahaan, juga diatur dengan jelas loo!! Jadi, tidak perlu aksi demo sana sini yang hanya mengacaukan kinerja perusahaan.. ^_^
4. Peraturan dibuat berdasarkan kesepakatan antara karyawan dan atasan. Sehingga, ketika terjadi kesepakatan, kedua belah pihak harus menjalankan peraturan sesuai dengan kesepakatan awal. Jika belum terjadi kesepakatan, yaa jangan sepakat dulu.. hehehehe
Well, inilah tulisan akhir saya hari ini..
Ternyata membuat ringkasan kuliah itu menyenangkan juga.
Kiranya bisa menjadi pengetahuan dan bisa diterapkan untuk kita semua.
Happy Reading!
And me, I continue my study at PPM Management, taking every step to learn new things about management.
Hari ini, kami belajar tentang HRM (Human Resource Management) bersama seorang Guest Lecture. Beliau adalah seorang yang sangat ahli di bidang HRM dan menginspirasi saya untuk (kembali) ingin belajar soal per-HRD-an..
Kuliah hari ini mengingatkan saya tentang budaya kita yang begitu mudah meremehkan peraturan. Hayoo ngaku aja deh, siapa di antara kita yang tidak pernah berkata: "peraturan itu dibuat untuk dilanggar.."? Saya yakin tidak ada yang acung tangan.. hehehehe *soalnya penulis juga sama aja..* hehehe
Sebagai seorang HRD, we live by the rules. That's why so many employees hate HR Department. Everything should happens only by the book, and we cannot tolerate any mistake.. Well not all of HRD Staffs were like that, but most of them do that.
Ternyata, ada sesuatu yang hilang di dalam bidang kerja HRD.
HRD memiliki segudang ilmu untuk mempelajari manusia, kelompok, dan organisasi. Untuk bisa meraih profit demi perusahaan dan mengatur sekelompok manusia, organisasi membutuhkan peraturan. Nah, masalahnya, tidak semua peraturan diatur secara jelas.. Ketidaktransparan antara pekerja dan pengerja memunculkan berbagai masalah, yang akhirnya berujung pada konflik kedua belah pihak. Padahal, hal seperti itu tidak terjadi..
Tips yang perlu dilakukan untuk menghindari hal ini adalah:
1. Pahami betul mengenai Peraturan Ketenagakerjaan yang sudah diatur oleh negara (menurut Guest Lecture saya, Peraturan tersebut sudah sangat lengkap mencakup berbagai aspek, dan cukup benar untuk diterapkan)
2. Pahami betul bisnis organisasi yang Saudara jalani, sehingga organisasi dapat menerapkan peraturan yang seharusnya diterapkan sesuai kebutuhan organisasi
3. Ajarkan dan didik karyawan untuk bersama-sama memahami peraturan tersebut, agar semua hak dan kewajiban dapat didapatkan secara teratur..
Ternyata, untuk mengajukan unjuk rasa kepada perusahaan, juga diatur dengan jelas loo!! Jadi, tidak perlu aksi demo sana sini yang hanya mengacaukan kinerja perusahaan.. ^_^
4. Peraturan dibuat berdasarkan kesepakatan antara karyawan dan atasan. Sehingga, ketika terjadi kesepakatan, kedua belah pihak harus menjalankan peraturan sesuai dengan kesepakatan awal. Jika belum terjadi kesepakatan, yaa jangan sepakat dulu.. hehehehe
Well, inilah tulisan akhir saya hari ini..
Ternyata membuat ringkasan kuliah itu menyenangkan juga.
Kiranya bisa menjadi pengetahuan dan bisa diterapkan untuk kita semua.
Happy Reading!
Never Ending Story About Me..
Hi there!
So many blogs inspired my life.. But I never thought I have the courage to click on "Create One" in one of them..
I am a girl slash woman slash employer slash graduated student slash daughter of my parents.. Just like the other girls, I love fashion, novels, comic books, and gossip girls.. But I prefer 90210 than Gossip Girl, though. 90210 is more to the reality, while Gossip Girl is more to the fashion with socialite intrigue which I rarely find in my real life.. Hey, everybody has their own preferences, right?
Aniway, hold still on your place right now, folks, 'coz I will come with the never ending story..
So many blogs inspired my life.. But I never thought I have the courage to click on "Create One" in one of them..
I am a girl slash woman slash employer slash graduated student slash daughter of my parents.. Just like the other girls, I love fashion, novels, comic books, and gossip girls.. But I prefer 90210 than Gossip Girl, though. 90210 is more to the reality, while Gossip Girl is more to the fashion with socialite intrigue which I rarely find in my real life.. Hey, everybody has their own preferences, right?
Aniway, hold still on your place right now, folks, 'coz I will come with the never ending story..
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