Sebagai salah satu mahasiswi manajemen bisnis, saat ini kami sedang belajar mengenai kompetensi -- yang notabene lagi booming banget akhir-akhir ini, banyak tema thesis mengangkat topik kompetensi.
Nah, minggu ini, kami belajar mengenai kompetensi itu..
image taken from here |
I admit. and feel guilty.
to tell you the truth, *take a deep breath and start screaming* I cannot speak English fluently with all the sophisticated vocabs you have read on all indonesian blogs *panting*
but I do look smart, don't I? hohohoho *laughing sarcastically*
this morning I answer my phone and said politely, "Thank you for calling our office, may I help you?" and when the person over there anwering in english, I became panic.
It's like I want to tell her, "I'm sorry, wha? ha? please speak louder, ma'am. I cannot hear you clearly. ha?" and hang up.. end of story.
dear diary,
Too many things I felt left behind
My choir lessons,
My bestfriends gathering,
My little sisters' stories..
So, I'm writing here for you,
I'm sorry, for not being there and sharing life with you
I'm sorry I cannot be someone that you want me to be
I'm really sorry...
I know social networking and bb can do so much help,
but missing the opportunities to hug and laugh with you guys is a feeling that I cannot explain..
So, I'm writing this for you, I'm sorry
I miss you guys so much