Tuesday, December 14, 2010

and another class to attend

I kept myself busy these days.
Attending this and that class.
Sleeping full time in the car and ended up losing myself in the stacks of homeworks.

Too many to think of, and I just don't want to spend my time only thinking!
I'm no plato or confusius (wait,..... is that a person name? >> think>> oh whatever!)
So, instead of thinking, I just practically doing!

And I finally *drum roll* became a member of a fitness club

Okay, you might think that this couldn't be a big thing!
well, it is big for me.
I hate doing treadmill,
I found my self really hard to do the discipline.
I don't even have all the money in the world,
But, I know I have to do some body exercising.

And being a member, should be so much help.

Last nite, I attend body combat class.
I admit it, it was hard, but fun!! x)
psst, I didn't do all the jumping and kicking.
I practically watching the others do it!! LOL x)

why oh why I join fitness club?
I need to stay fit and healthy. that's it. end of story
the killer body? no, I am not intend to have it, maybe just a bonus #ha! #youwish

cross your fingers for me, dearies,
yes for the healthy. x)



A Cup Of Hazelnut Coffe by Edith said...

Yihaaa..u go Ayuu..
jangan over to much yaa..ntr tambah kurus kamuu:)

missAyoe said...

tenang, mami Edith,
the purpose of this joining thingy is: to stay fit!!

kalo kurus, pipi tembemku hilang dan aku jadi ndak menarikk..

kusadari ternyata tubuhku punya usia lebih tua dari umurku.. uhuhuhuuu x(
let's stay fit!! x)