It was a getaway birthday!
And my choice was right. Indonesia has really great places to go to..
You may know this place,
but maybe not all of you,
well, let me introduce you to..
Ujung Genteng! ;-)
located at West Java, Ujung Genteng has so many beaches to hit to
in front of several inns, you can see the white sand with beautiful wave just like above..
in front of several inns, you can see the white sand with beautiful wave just like above..
so many foreigners came to this place to do some surfing.. :-0
But, we hit another beach..
To get there, we have to...
3) posed while walking by the river..
eh, 3 rivers bytheway! :0
4) and enjoy the ride
hey beach!!
we love you!! ;-)
that's me, Bunga, Fuji and Jessica, the younger teen in the group ;p
this is Ombak Tujuh
so many foreigners love to do the surfing here
this is Pulau Keris (Keris Island)
and we have these Beach for our own..
can you imagine you have it only for seven of you..?
we'll hit another beach.
not very soon. but will.. LOL
wah jadi pengen ke sana kak :)
harus, son!!
bagus buanget tempatnyaaaa!!
pantainya ga bikin gerah, dan ga bikin keringetan.
harus harus harus ke sana.!! hehehehehe
*duta pariwisata ujung genteng* hihihihi
wah kakak, aku gak sempet ke ombak tujuh waktu itu. terlalu banyak pantainya soalnya :D
Mending ke taman nasional unjungkulon yuk.. disana lebih lengkap.
tempat ini bisa dijangkau dengan naik motor gak kak???
habisnya masih tersisa satu obsesiku, berkendara dengan sepeda motor ke tempat wisata bagus, yang belum kesampaian :)
@ miyu... because I looooooooove beach so much, that's why I chose this place.. lagian kita ga perlu naik kapal untuk kesananya.. (takut sebenernyaa) tapi penasaran sama ujung kulon dan karimun jawa...
denger dari temen, UK udah ga terlalu bersih sekarang, sayang.. :(
@sonny.. well, bisa sih naik motor, tapi puegeeeel bangett!! soalnya naik mobil itu 7 jam sendiri.. kalo naik motor, mungkin kurang lebih sama, tapi yah tadi, pegel banget son, beneran mauu? :))
pas kesana sih banyak genk motor yang pada main kesana... :))
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