Tuesday, December 28, 2010


I am so lucky to have the opportunity visiting Medan last week.
As you know, I am half blooded- Batak, so last weekend, I- with my parents and lil bro -were on a short trip visiting Medan.

These are my luck:
1. I am able to visit Lake Toba after ten years waiting
2. found a nice surprise to spend my short holiday with my cousin. I miss her so much!
With her, my holiday feels so complete!! :))
3. I had the opportunities to eat eat eat and eat so many delicious food from Medan.
One town you have to visit if you are searching a culinary holiday is, Medan...
4. visited TB Silalahi Museum. I know this might be too ordinary for you, but because this, my (cemetery visit) journey feels like holiday
5. had a happy sunday service at GPIB Imanuel Church.. which taught me so many lessons! :)
6. bought a Levi's jeans on sale! it fit me well, and I just couldn't resist.. :p
7. Had a great family dinner to celebrate Christmas and my aunty's birthday!

So many lucks
so many stories
aren't you happy? :)

with lots and lots of love,

PS: this also a reminder for me, there are so many reasons to keep us smiling, if we just keep on counting our blessings
Praise the Lord.... ;)

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Jumping into Conclusion

A research found that many of citizen tried to help a white-drunken driver, instead of black-drunken driver in America. When the citizen saw some white man who drunk in the morning and tries to run their car, they were trying to stop him. But, when it comes to black male-drunken driver, they were not showing the same behavior. This lead into question, why?

the research proves that many of human being thinks under their assumptions and prejudice. Their assumptions might be based on stereotypes, and the prejudice might came from their past experience.

This behavior might lead them to wrong conclusion.

Thursday, December 16, 2010

tentang kompetensi .. part 2

Melanjutkan kisah tentang si kompetensi :)

Apa sih gunanya pembuatan kompetensi ini?

Bayangkan Anda bekerja di dalam perusahaan retail. Sales sangat penting untuk kegiatan bisnis Anda. Di antara sales yang Anda miliki, pasti Anda dapat melihat secara kasat mata, siapa yang tergolong superior dan siapa yang tergolong low performer. Cobalah bandingkan, keunggulan apa yang dimiliki oleh superior yang tidak dimiliki oleh low performer. Apabila terdapat keunggulan yang sama antara beberapa orang superior, itu bisa jadi kompetensi yang Anda butuhkan.

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

and another class to attend

I kept myself busy these days.
Attending this and that class.
Sleeping full time in the car and ended up losing myself in the stacks of homeworks.

Too many to think of, and I just don't want to spend my time only thinking!
I'm no plato or confusius (wait,..... is that a person name? >> think>> oh whatever!)
So, instead of thinking, I just practically doing!

And I finally *drum roll* became a member of a fitness club

Okay, you might think that this couldn't be a big thing!
well, it is big for me.
I hate doing treadmill,
I found my self really hard to do the discipline.
I don't even have all the money in the world,
But, I know I have to do some body exercising.

And being a member, should be so much help.

Last nite, I attend body combat class.
I admit it, it was hard, but fun!! x)
psst, I didn't do all the jumping and kicking.
I practically watching the others do it!! LOL x)

why oh why I join fitness club?
I need to stay fit and healthy. that's it. end of story
the killer body? no, I am not intend to have it, maybe just a bonus #ha! #youwish

cross your fingers for me, dearies,
yes for the healthy. x)


Monday, December 13, 2010


Currently listen to Katy Perry song..
And I'm getting so much inspiration by the way the lyric is talking.. :)

You just gotta ignite the light and let it shine
'cause baby, you're a firework,
come on, show 'em what you're worth
baby, you're a firework
come on, let your color burst,
make 'em go, ohhh
you're gonna leave 'em falling down

you're original, cannot be replaced
If you only knew what the future holds
After a hurricane comes a rainbow

you could open one (door) that leads you to the perfect road
Like a lightning bolt, your heart will blow,
And when it's time you'll know

I really love this song.. it kept on playing on my head on and on..
Kudos to you dear Katy Perry :)



Saturday, December 4, 2010

my source of energy

1. Food (yes, food, the thing that you eat..)

2. Love -- from my family and fh-stands for future husband.. :p

3. Love -- from friends..

Gita Seraphim Choir

Esmud II PPM
it's really fun to study with them!! :)
I am very lucky!

 4. Romantic Comedy movies..

5. Romantic Comedy novels..

6. Comics

7. most of all - prayer..

I keep on searching another source of energy which don't cost me anything! LOL